One in four girls is violated – UNICEF

Home National One in four girls is violated – UNICEF

WINDHOEK – Nearly one in four adolescent girls experience some form of physical violence according to a recent report issued by UNICEF. The report incorporates a selection of global data released throughout the past year, detailing the very real impact violence has on adolescent girls, their future and that of their communities and countries.

The report states that almost one quarter of girls aged 15 to 19 worldwide (approximately 70 million) report being victims of some form of physical violence since age 15.
Around 120 million girls under the age of 20 worldwide (about one in ten) have experienced forced intercourse or other forced sexual acts, and one in three ever-married adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 (84 million) have been victims of emotional, physical or sexual violence committed by their husbands or partners.
Data suggests that in some countries as many as seven in ten girls aged 15 to 19 who were victims of physical and/or sexual abuse had never sought help and many said that they did not see it as abuse or thought it was a problem.
More than 700 million women worldwide were married before their 18th birthday and more than one in three (about 250 million) before age 15.
According to the report most of the girls believe it is acceptable for a man to beat his wife under certain circumstances such as refusing to have sex, leaving the house without permission, arguing, neglecting the children or for serving dinner that was burnt.
This information reveals the damaging perceptions young girls have on the acceptability of violence, the report states.
“These numbers speak to a mindset that tolerates, perpetuates and even justifies violence and should sound an alarm to everyone, everywhere,” according to UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Geeta Rao Gupta.
According to statistics provided by the Namibian Police more than 1 100 cases of rape and attempted rape were reported with one third of these involving children under the age of 18. The report further says data from the 2013 Demographic Health Survey shows that 35 percent of women and 40 percent of men in Namibia consider slapping a wife is justified for burning the food or going out without permission. UNICEF Namibia Representative, Micaela Marques de Sousa, says violence against women and children is a continuum of acts that violate women and children’s basic human rights. She said it includes various dimensions such as physical, psychological, economic and sexual harm or threats.
“It is often invisible, passed on from generation to generation,” she said, adding that the victim can become the perpetrator, and sometimes multiple victims across generations live together in the same household.
She said that UNICEF strives to curb violence against girls and recommends that girls should stay in school and be provided with critical life skills.
According to De Sousa, supporting parents including cash transfers to mitigate risks to girls and changing attitudes and norms through community conversations and the strengthening of judicial, criminal and social systems and services are actions that are needed.
“The problem is global, but the solutions must be found at national, community and family level. We have a responsibility to protect, educate, and empower adolescents. We are all accountable for ending violence against girls,” elaborated Gupta the UNICEF Deputy Executive Director.