
Give us five more years – Geingob appeals to voters

Home Front Page News Give us five more years – Geingob appeals to voters

WALVIS BAY – Swapo presidential candidate for the upcoming presidential election President Hage Geingob on Saturday asked for a fixed term of five more years. 

This he said is for the party to complete the programmes already started.
Geingob made the request at a fully packed Kuisebmond Soccer Stadium at Walvis Bay, where the Swapo Party kicked off their star rally campaign in view of the upcoming elections, slate for November this year.
“Give Swapo another five years, to maintain peace, unity and stability as well as to weather economic headwinds and to safeguard the sovereignty of Namibia. Give the Swapo Party government another term to finish the work they already started,” Geingob told the Swapo supporters on Saturday.

According to Geingob, no other party can do better than Swapo when it comes to the implementation and governing of the country.

“No other party can do better than us.  Who else can come and govern or compete against us.  To govern is not a joke.  It is easier said than done, as other parties have nothing to lose. They have not been tested and do not know how to implement …Swapo knows, it’s what we have been doing for the past 29 years. We do not make empty promises and never exaggerate our achievements. We are realistic, we point out where we have excelled and admit where we have fallen short and need to improve,” said the party president.

Geingob explained that Swapo does not campaign on empty promises but rather on a tested and proven track record. Hence, he says that commitments are made based on that record. 

“Our commitment to you, the people of Namibia, is outlined in the Swapo Party manifesto – our social contract with you. Given our track record, we are the only party that can guarantee Namibia a continued and positive growth trajectory. We do not live in the past; we are future focused. Which other party has the capacity to respond to that?”

According to Geingob, Swapo is the only party that has united all races, ages, tribes, ethnicities and regions. 
Therefore, vote Swapo for peace, unity and development. Vote Swapo to stabilize the economy and continue Namibia’s economic growth and development. Vote Swapo to continue to defend Namibia’s sovereignty and security, he encouraged.