Gospel CD Launch This Weekend

Home Archived Gospel CD Launch This Weekend

By Staff Reporter

Excitement is running high for the release of Gospel singer Louisa Beukes’ debut CD, ‘Suddenly this Sunday’.

“Due to unforseen circumstances, I recently had to take a long, hard look at my life. Who am I? What are my God-given talents? How can I apply these talents to conquer the many challenges that have come about in my life?

These questions served as an inspiration for the title track of my album – and since then things have really changed rather Suddenly!” says Louisa.

Louisa started singing at an early age as part of a family choir, directed by her father, the late Gert Willmore. Together they perfomed on farms and in local towns. Who would have thought that her childhood dreams would one day come to fruition with the realease of this album.

Of the nine tracks on the CD, Louise composed eight, each with a different infusion – even country and reggae. Some are perfomed in English while others are in Afrikaans. Either way, each song promises to be a delight for both young and old, she says.

Her husband, JT, and friend William Petersen, a well-known local musician, helped her in shaping these songs with their final musical touch.

Louisa says that recording the CD was an exciting process and that writing the songs taught her so many things about herself. “It has braught so much fulfilment, that I definitely won’t stop at just one album – there will still be a few!”

According to Louisa she has already written a couple of songs for a second CD, but she first wishes to produce a DVD with tracks from both albums.

Joy, a recently established Gospel group, provided backing vocals for ‘Suddenly’.

Louisa’s CD will be launched this Sunday at 18h00 at the Dawid Bezuidenhout Secondary School in a combined Fospel concert show where she and William Petersen will perform. Entrance is N$50 and CDs will be available at a special price of N$100.

On Thursday, July 12, they will again perform at the school. Tickets are N$15 (adults) and N$10 (students). Other performances will be held on Saturday, July 14, at the Christian Assemblies in Rehoboth (tickets: N$20 adults and N$10 students). On Friday, July 27, they will be back in Windhoek at the Ella du Plessis Secondary School at 18h00. Entrance: N$15 adults and N$10 students.

Contact William at 081-240-5709, JT at 061-21-2418, or Louisa at 081-129-0188 for more information.