Your Governor: Lawrence Alufea Sampofu

Home Special Focus Your Governor: Lawrence Alufea Sampofu

Birth: He was born on August 10, 1955 at Mbambazi village in the Zambezi Region.

Appointment Profile
He has served as Governor of Zambezi Region since 2010.

He is currently studying towards a Bachelor of Technology Degree in Public Management at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST).
He obtained a one-year Diploma in Modern Management: Majoring in Administration and Management at Cambridge College.
He also obtained a one-year Diploma in Personnel Management: Majoring in the Administration of Personnel both in Public and Private Sectors at Cambridge College.
He trained as a Military Engineer at Oshatotwa in Zambia, where he was a PLAN combatant. As a PLAN fighter he participated in many battles, including attacks on Kwandu, Kamenga and Katima Mulilo.
He also attended a nine-month Advanced Military Course in Tanzania.

Professional Career
He was the Head of Military Operations for the NDF in the Zambezi Region based at Katima Mulilo with the rank of Captain.
He served as a Security Manager, Human Resources Manager and Training Manager at Development Brigade Corporation (DBC). Served as Operations Officer at the Ministry of Defence at the Directorate Defence Operations and Policy, dealing with administration and dissemination of information to various stakeholders. He started with the rank of Major and in 2007 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Served as Operation Officer at Army Headquarters with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
As a former Senior Operations Officer he held the rank of Colonel in March 2010. He was responsible for administration, training, information collection, processing and dissemination to all end-users.
He served at the United Nations Mission in Central Africa Republic and Chad (MINURCAT), a United Nations peacekeeping mission.
He also served in the United Nations Mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia (UNMEE), and he was part of the Namibian military contingent’s Peace Support Operations the world over.

Awarded National Liberation Medal High Class, awarded UN Medal in MINURCAT for serving with the United Nations Mission in Central Africa Republic and Chad.
Awarded United Nations Mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia (UNMEE) Force Commander’s Commendation Card for Exceptional Performance of Duties. Awarded UN Medal for serving with the United Nations Mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia (UNMEE).

Leadership Interests
Safety and Security, Administration