
Govt pumps N$121m into drought relief

Home National Govt pumps N$121m into drought relief
Govt pumps N$121m into drought relief

With a looming drought, Cabinet has directed the Office of the Prime to extend the drought relief programme by the tune of N$121 million to Kunene, and parts of Erongo and Omusati. This information was announced by information minister Peya Mushelenga yesterday while delivering a raft of other key decisions by the executive. 

The programme runs from April to May 2024, according to existing criteria. 

Among other notable resolutions, Cabinet directed the international relations ministry to formally request a response from the Botswana government on the repatriation of persons of Namibian descent. 

Home affairs ministers Albert Kawana, his land reform counterpart Calle Schlettwein and gender minister Doreen Sioka will spearhead the process. 

The returnees will be welcomed at the Dobe border post and Gam reception area. 

Cabinet also directed the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare to provide social grants to the repatriates within three months from their date of entry. 

Cabinet further directed the health ministry to reinforce the capacity of the Gam clinic to cater for the projected increased number of the Gam community.

The gender ministry was also instructed to continue increasing the coverage for social grants and the implementation of food assistance programmes for the marginalised community. 

Government has set aside N$100 million to feed around 29 000 marginalised communities’ households in the current financial year.

At present, there are 199 649 (98% coverage) pensioners receiving the old-age grant of N$1 400. 

The social grants were provided to 357 036 orphans and vulnerable children, who are currently in the grant system.

All-in-all, a total amount of N$3.7 billion is reserved for the government’s social grants, including grants to pensioners, CIBG, funeral cover for pensioners and personnel expenditure.

Meanwhile, the agriculture ministry was furthermore commanded to strengthen transboundary disease/pest early warning and surveillance systems, particularly for the African migratory locusts, and foot and mouth disease in livestock.  

Moreover, Cabinet also approved the appointment of the new Communication Regulatory Authority (Cran) of Namibia board for the next three years to be chaired by academic Tulimevava Mufeti, deputised by Elvis Nashilongo. 

The board’s term is effective on 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2026. 

The other Cran board members are Jeanine du Toit, Florette Nakusera, Gerhard Coeln, Alletha Haufiku and Veiko Alexander. 

– emumbuu@nepc.com.na