
Govt rolls out drought relief efforts

Home Agriculture Govt rolls out drought relief efforts
Govt rolls out drought relief efforts

The government has extended its drought support programme for livestock farmers in drought-stricken regions of the country.

The regions targeted for the programme are Kunene, Omusati, Omaheke, Hardap, //Kharas and parts of Erongo.

The programme, according to a media statement by the agriculture ministry, will run for the period 01 July to 31 December 2023.

“Farmers should take note that only claims for transactions done from 1 July 2023 until 31 December 2023 and that were not submitted before will be accepted,” the statement reads.

The interventions include livestock marketing incentives; subsidy for transportation of livestock to and from grazing areas; and subsidy for lease of grazing.

All the claims must be legitimate and accompanied by all the mandatory supporting documents required, the statement reads.

“The mandatory supporting documents include certified copies of identity documents, FANMEAT card, bank confirmation letter of application, animal movement permits, and lease agreement for lease of grazing,” the statement noted.

Other documents needed include a transport permit as well as the confirmation letter from the appropriate (respective) traditional authority where necessary, latest herd statements and proof of transactions.

In addition, farmers should take note that bank confirmation letters and proof of transactions must be in the name of the applicant. 

Contact Ben Haraseb or David Lisulo or the ministerial drought relief office at 061-2087529 for more info.