
Govt on right track

Home Archived Govt on right track

THE appointment of several women as ambassadors and high commissioners-designate shows genuine commitment on the part of Government to combat ethnicity, sexism and regionalism towards the attainment of gender equality.

Two days ago the visionary President Hifikepunye Pohamba who personally dislikes ethnicity appointed women from a broad spectrum of Namibian society as senior diplomats.

The women appointed this week as diplomats are Sabine Böhlke-Möller (UN Office in Geneva); Balbina Pienaar (Zimbabwe); Sophia Nangombe (Japan) and Morina Muuondjo (Sweden) and this clearly shows how committed Swapo considers the issue of equal opportunities for all.

It is clear government guided by the progressive Swapo Party manifesto considers the issue regarding gender equality in a substantive and forward-looking manner.

In the past some critics were quick to find fault with authorities for appointing “only” people from the north but Tuesday’s appointments nullified this baseless allegation by desperate individuals trying to score cheap political points.

Pius Dunaiski the High Commissioner-designate to India; Steve Katjiuanjo the High Commissioner-designate to India; Simon Maruta the Ambassador-designate to Austria are all not from the north as are the bulk of the women appointees.

The Swapo-led Government stands for unity of all the people of Namibia irrespective of race, religion, sex or ethnic origin.

Pohamba has humbled his critics by showing he cares for all Namibians and he appoints people based on merit and not tribe as his detractors would want the masses to believe.

His appointments across the broad spectrum clearly indicate he is a man of the people whose exemplary legacy of forward thinking, open-handedness, selflessness and genuine patriotism should inspire all progressive Namibians. Indeed his deeds mirror the Ashanti who say that when a king has good counsellors his reign is peaceful. To the new appointees we say a patient man eats a ripe fruit but at the same time this should also be the time for hard work.

It is also worth mentioning the fact the new appointees have accepted this new task and that they will dispense the task at hand guided by the constitution and our Foreign Policy.

Other guiding principles are the strategic objectives of the National Development Plan Four (NDP4) and Vision 2030.

Of course they should put the nation’s interests first if they are to succeed in their national duty because Namibia continues to promote mutually beneficial relations with other nations.

Apart from the diplomats, two women Regina Ndopu-Lubinda and Matha Hitenanye were also appointed as TransNamib Board members – which augurs well for gender equality.

All these appointments should not be viewed in isolation as they clearly indicate the seriousness that our Government attaches to the issue of empowering all women.

Government is on track and has made great strides to bring about the 50/50 gender representation validating the idiom no matter how long the night – dawn will break.

The appointments this week are a clear indication Government is serious and committed to empowering women who for generations have been marginalised.


By Editor