
Green Hydrogen Roadshow postponed in Katima

Home National Green Hydrogen Roadshow postponed in Katima
Green Hydrogen Roadshow postponed in Katima

The National Green Hydrogen Roadshow, organised by the government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) and Hyphen Hydrogen Energy has announced the postponement of the Katima Cluster meetings due to take place between 18 – 20 September 2023, encompassing Katima Mulilo, Rundu, and Nkurenkuru. 

The roadshow, which began in August and is ending in November, has attracted widespread attendance from a diverse range of groups and communities all keen to engage with Hyphen and learn more about the Socio-Economic Development (SED) Framework. 

The Katima Cluster meetings will now be postponed due to an unforeseen circumstance and will take place towards the end of the roadshow schedule, specifically during the week commencing 13 November 2023. 

Hyphen is scheduled to announce further details on specific locations and dates in due course. 

The Hyphen project is being developed as the first step in the implementation of GRN’s strategy to establish a large-scale green hydrogen industry in Namibia to support economic growth in the country with a total investment of US$10 billion, roughly the equivalent of Namibia’s annual GDP. 

It is estimated that the project will create up to 15 000 new jobs during the construction phase and 3 000 permanent jobs during its operation, with a target of around 90% of these jobs to be filled by Namibians. Hyphen is targeting 30% local procurement for goods, services and materials throughout both the construction and operational phases.