
Groot Aub constituency office registering residents for electricity

Home National Groot Aub constituency office registering residents for electricity

WINDHOEK – The Groot Aub constituency office is in the process of registering residents for electricity connection.  

Since last week, over 200 residents registered for electricity, Windhoek Rural Constituency Councillor Penina Iita told New Era. 

She said this follows constant demand for electricity connection from residents who do not have such service yet.

Iita said that after registration her office will approach NamPower and the City of Windhoek to map out the area to enable them to provide services such as electricity, water and roads.
Iita said that residents were visiting the constituency office on a monthly basis asking when they will get electricity, and as a result they started registering people to have informed planning instead of haphazard scheduling.

“We really want to find out what the exact demand is. We want to find out how many people do we have in Groot Aub that don’t have access to electricity.  What is it that we need to do from government perspective to push all stakeholders so that we give electricity?  I believe that if our planning is not informed by data then we are not doing proper planning and we are doing it on an assumption basis,” said Iita.

Iita said the registration will run until July 15 but it doesn’t mean if people don’t register by that date, they won’t be part of the planning.

Iita added that there is no fee to be paid for registration. And when asked who qualifies, Iita replied that everyone who has a shack or house and does not have access to electricity should register.