
Growing disregard of virus rules concerns Shangula

Home Front Page News Growing disregard of virus rules concerns Shangula

Health minister Dr Kalumbi Shangula has expressed concern about the growing disregard for the Covid-19 regulations and protocols.  There has been an evident disregard of Covid-19 regulations and protocols as political campaigns intensified in the last couple of weeks ahead of tomorrow’s regional council and local authority elections.

Additionally, more and more people are now seen in public without facemasks and some are failing to observe the physical distancing protocol. “I want to appeal to the public and to the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) to ensure that public health measures are complied with during the voting,” Shangula told New Era yesterday.

“During the festive season, the potential for transmission is there as individuals indulge in celebration activities and flout public health measures. We continue to remind them about this danger.”
By yesterday, the country had 13 897 cumulative confirmed cases, 32 newly confirmed cases, 13 234 recoveries, 516 active cases and a total of 145 Covid-19 deaths. – ktjitemisa@nepc.com.na