Happy 90th birthday, Tatekulu Sam Nujoma

Home Focus Happy 90th birthday, Tatekulu Sam Nujoma

Udo Froese

His Excellency, the Founding President of Swapo and Father of the Namibia Nation, Comrade Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, is 90 years of age and still strong. 

Congratulations and celebrations for a full and rich life. It is also a life dedicated to his people and their freedom, which has become a peaceful life for all in the once war-torn former colony of South West Africa. 

Similar to Eritrea, the only other African country, Namibia, was colonised and occupied twice. From South West Africa to Namibia, it was the foresight of leaders like Sam Nujoma, Oliver Tambo, Samora Machel, Agostinho Neto, Ahmed Ben Bella, Abd Al Nasser, Kenneth Kaunda, both Mandelas – Nelson and Winnie, Chris Hani, Leabuah Jonathan, Patrice Lumumba, Robert Mugabe, Julius Nyerere and millions of nameless indigenous Black Africans, who paid with their blood or sweat for their countries’ freedom. 

As Father of the Namibian Nation, the iconic Sam Nujoma remains a stabilising and caring force, who is consulted to this day. His wisdom and foresight gives Swapoi its wisdom, confidence and  strength. 

Such foresight and wisdom was demonstrated back in June 1960 already, when Ovambo People’s Organisation (OPO) was expanded into the South West African People’s Organisation  (Swapo). Since then Swapo and Swanu, another movement at the time, organised side by side.

The above-mentioned was documented by Ruth First in her book, “South West Africa.”
Namibians, like all Southern African Development Community (Sadc) members as well as African Union (AU) members, are all part of the global village and its New Economic World Order. 

Therefore, economic neo-liberalism and neo-colonialism have their effects on Africa as much as on the rest of the world. Namibia and its ruling Swapo Party are part of this world structure. 
We wish you, Father of the Namibian Nation, health, strength, good care and happiness for the years ahead. 
Thank you for your lifelong dedicated sacrifice. Your efforts are well appreciated.