Hard work and no play has turned Elemotho into a dull boy

Home Lifestyle Hard work and no play has turned Elemotho into a dull boy

Pinehas Nakaziko

Windhoek-Hard work, studying music, reading a lot about music and human nature, and playing around with different music instruments to give his music a different taste is the recipe for Elemotho’s success.

“It’s just a combination of factors. There is no magic to my successes. Sometimes I just play around with the music that I want to hear and people end up loving it,” he says. He adds that with his music, he likes to tell a story and to leave a message with fans, making them questions their minds. “I grew up as a story teller, where we tell stories around the fire at a farm. I like to throw reality around, thus exploring the depth of the human spirit,” he says.

Elemotho is a world performing artist and a musical activist. He is one of the few local artists who re-invented some of the local genres of Shambo, Afro-fusion, Jazz and some traditional elements by modeling it using different instruments to bring it to life, after it died some years ago. He grabbed the prestigious RFI-France 24 Discoveries Awards in 2012 from under the noses of more than 500 African, Indian and Pacific artists. This saw him receiving a promotional tour around Africa to 25 countries and an exclusive concert in Paris, France. Elemotho also plays acoustic guitar and blends the sounds with local rhythm to give his music an African taste. He sings in Setswana, English and other Namibian languages.

He also surprised many when he recently released his fourth album, Beautiful World, currently enjoying massive airplay both locally and internationally. The 11-track album is a blend of different genres to cater for everyone.

Compared to his previous album, Ke Nako, Elemotho says his new album is more mature and up to standard. “I focused more on lyrics to give a strong message to the audience about the beauty of the world. I also had enough time to work on this album, whereby I had enough time to collect ideas for each of the songs.”

Hit songs from the album include Beautiful World and Don’t Be Late. Elomotho’s future plans are focusing more on promoting his new album, and touring the world performing new songs at different festivals.