Hardap female cops get sports gear

Home Sports Hardap female cops get sports gear

MARIENTAL – The Hardap Regional Police women’s football team were presented with sport gear valued at N$5 000 in Mariental last Thursday.

The sports gear, sponsored by the Namibian Traffic Signals and Accessories cc, incudes a soccer kit, balls and trophies, which were handed over to the team by the Governor of the Hardap Region, Esme Isaack.

In her remarks at the occasion, Isaack applauded the sponsors for their generosity, outlining that sport is not only a recreational tool but equally and very importantly a vehicle to enhance team work, team spirit, and social and healthy behavioural norms.

She stated that the donation was aimed at boosting unity within the team and underscored that it’s not a one-man show.

The governor called on the receivers of the donations to take good care of them and also called on others in the corporate world both regionally and locally to come on board and invest in sport at different levels so that hidden talent can be discovered.

She urged the team to perform as best as they can and represent the region well at the annual National Namibian Police Championships to take place at Oshakati this year, encouraging them to compete and not just participate, and bring the gold home.

“I am sending you to this year’s annual sport event as ambassadors of the region, expecting a high level of discipline on and off the pitch,” she said.