
Haufiku keen on exposing local officials

Home Sports Haufiku keen on exposing local officials

Maurice Kambukwe

WINDHOEK – The newly appointed chairman of the Namibia Professional Boxing and Wrestling Control Board (NPBWCB) Dr Bernard Haufiku says he is keen on exposing local boxing referees to international events. 

On Wednesday the minister of sport Erastus Uutoni appointed a five-member boxing board that will take over from 5 November.

Speaking to New Era Sport yesterday, Haufiku said that setting up a medical benevolent fund for boxers will be a priority. 

Haufiku added that they will also be looking forward to exposing local boxing referees and judges to officiating at more international competitions.

“The act is number one on our to-do list and I hope everyone agrees with me on setting up a kind of medical benevolent fund for boxers. We often have difficulties getting boxers treated at private hospitals after an incident in the ring. We are asked to pay huge deposits because of lack of medical funds for the boxers,” said Haufiku. 

“We could possibly consider a short-term insurance fund to cover them; let’s say during the boxing tournament and if they need emergency medical interventions.”
The chairman also touched on how he wants the organisation to be more accountable and transparent to the public.

“I envision a Namibian Boxing and Wrestling Control Board that is fully accountable to its shareholders (Namibian public), transparent and administered and managed professionally at all times.”
He, however, hopes the new act would not take more than 90 days before its implementation.

“My hope is that it shouldn’t take us more than 90 days from January 2020 but I will have to hear from colleagues on the board especially the ones with a legal background,” added Haufiku.
This week Uutoni implored the new board to clean up the mess haunting professional boxing in the country.

“The board is responsible for regulating, controlling and exercising general supervision over boxing and wrestling tournaments in Namibia. This body is also entrusted to guard against undesirable practices of boxing and wrestling to protect the interest of boxers, wrestlers, promoters, officials and the public in general.”

Uutoni urged the incoming board members to play their part and unite the nation through the sport.
“I have always said that as an individual, we always have to remind ourselves that we are here today and gone tomorrow. Thus, it is important to note that the organisation we are entrusted with is not our own but for many others to come and build on the foundation we are laying today,” he said.