
Havana vendors welcome eviction U-turn

Home National Havana vendors welcome eviction U-turn
Havana vendors welcome eviction U-turn

Vendors operating at the Havana four-way stop in the Moses //Garoeb constituency have welcomed a decision by the  City of Windhoek to allow them to continue selling their wares there. 

The city has applied for the township establishment that will allow the creation of a relocation area that will accommodate the informal households. 

Last month, vendors operating at the Havana four-way stop took issue with the municipality after they were relocated to pave way for development.  

However, the city’s spokesperson Harold Akwenye confirmed that they are in the process of relocating the households located in the Monte Christo Road reserve.

“We have already issued a notice. The relocation will pave way for the implementation of the City of Windhoek Transportation Master Plan while improving the standards of living of residents,” he said. 

Vendors who spoke to New Era said although the city did not specify the exact date, they will be relocated. 

However, they are happy that they will now continue with their business without any inconveniences. 

Last month, the aggrieved vendors and City Police officers clashed following orders to relocate to a different site within the area to pave way for the construction of the Ongos Valley road.

They argued the new site was too small, untidy and congested.