
Health officials from Ondanjokwe to visit Osire refugee camp

Home National Health officials from Ondanjokwe to visit Osire refugee camp

OMUTHIYA – A 21-year-old pregnant learner was on Monday sexually violated in the vicinity of Onethindi in Oshikoto Region.She was allegedly raped by a taxi driver with whom she was travelling.

The Grade 12 learner at Emanya Senior Secondary School had earlier visited Onandjokwe State Hospital for a prenatal follow up before the sad ordeal struck. “It is alleged the victim who is pregnant visited Onandjokwe hospital for a follow up, and took a taxi up to Onethindi with the intention to get another hike to Onyaanya. However, the suspect refused to stop upon reaching Onethindi open market and drove off road with the victim under a tree where he threatened her with a pistol,” says Oshikoto Regional Crime Investigation Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Naomi Katjiua.Katjiua added that the suspect, who remains unknown at this stage, locked the vehicle and had sexual intercourse with her under coercive circumstance.

“The suspect then fled the scene with the victim’s handbag and a cellphone. He is unknown at this stage but he was driving a cream taxi with registration no N 333-921 SH,” stated Katjiua, adding that the suspect is now facing charges of rape, theft, assault through threatening and pointing of firearm.

New Era reported last week that a taxi driver was arrested for allegedly kidnapping, sexually assaulting and stealing from his female passenger.The victim, a 28-year-old woman, allegedly boarded a taxi from Omwandi gwaKamanya Service Station at Ondangwa to Onunho when the taxi driver allegedly forcefully had sexual acts with her.In another separate incident, police registered another case of rape involving a minor girl at Omena village in Oshikoto.

The incident happened Thursday when the 10 year-old-girl with two other boys were walking home around 09h30 after being sent back from school for late coming. “While they were walking home on their usual route, they came across a man who chased after them with a tree branch. The boys managed to run away, but the suspect caught up with the girl and dragged her into a nearby mahangu field and proceeded to have sexual intercourse under coercive circumstances,” stated the police report.The suspect, identified as Natanael Simon, 24, has since been arrested. He is a domestic worker in the same village. Police investigations continue.