Hearings conclude into murder over bottle of brandy

Home Crime and Courts Hearings conclude into murder over bottle of brandy

Maria Amakali

Windhoek-The trial of the man accused of killing a Windhoek resident over a bottle of Richelieu five years ago has come to an end, with only final submissions and sentencing left. Simon Tjooya has been on trial for the murder of Issy Swartz, who died from a stab wound on November 3, 2012 in Windhoek’s informal settlement of Goreangab.
The State and the defense team are scheduled to submit their heads of arguments on November 16 before Tjooya hears judgment in his case.

Tjoya, who has denied guilt throughout, made an appearance before Magistrate Eilna Nandago while out on bail of N$3,000. The prosecution alleges that Tjooya unlawfully and with intent killed Swartz by stabbing him in the chest with a knife. Tjooya faces a charge of murder and two counts of robbery.

According to the witnesses who took the stand during the trial, on the date in question Tjooya – who was in the company of a friend – were walking when they came across Swartz, who was holding bottle of Richelieu brandy in his hands.

It is alleged Tjooya told his friend that they should get the bottle from Swartz. However, when they approached Swartz to take the bottle, Swartz fled into a shack – and they followed suit. Tjooya reportedly ran into the shack and came back holding the bottle in one hand and a knife covered in blood in the other.

Tjooya allegedly informed his companion he had just stabbed Swartz. Tjooya and his companion then returned to the shebeen and polished off the bottle they took from the now-deceased Swartz.

The defense team maintains that nobody saw Tjooya stab the deceased, as his companion did not enter the shack along with him.

Magistrate Nandago postponed the matter to November 16 for submissions, cautioning Tjooya to be at court on time or risk having a warrant issued for his arrest.