
Hell Hath No Fury…

Home Archived Hell Hath No Fury…

By Tapiwa Mkabeta WINDHOEK Twenty-six-year-old Helvi Shilongo, an employee at one of Windhoek’s media houses found herself being locked up for several hours by the police after her ex-lover Audrin Mathe (32), pressed charges of harassment and invasion of privacy. He also sustained a gash on the head after she smashed a glass mug on his head. Prior to this incident, the couple had been on separation since last year after they endured seemingly irreconcilable differences. In efforts to try and patch up their waning romance the two lovers went on holiday early this year. Seemingly, the holiday trip was not fruitful as the two apparently had “irreconcilable differences”. Shilongo, having access to her ex-boyfriend’s E-mail address and password allegedly used the address to send messages to some of his friends, in an effort to salvage the relationship. All attempts to get back with Mathe having failed, on Monday Shilongo decided to go to Mathe’s flat and “sort out” the couple’s differences. After all negotiations failed, the disgruntled Shilongo decided to get tough, and in a rage smashed the windscreen of his BMW. The windscreen replacement is put at N$1 700. Sources said after deciding enough was enough, the victim, a former official in the Office of the Prime Minister filed a complaint at the Windhoek Police Station, leading to the arrest of Shilongo on charges of harassment and invasion of privacy. New Era has it on authority that Shilongo was later released after Mathe withdrew the charges he had filed earlier. On trying to get information from Mathe, he said, “I do not want to discuss my private life with the public.” Police spokesperson Warrant Officer James Matengu could not give any statistics with regard to similar cases in the past and said, “Information about such cases is handled by the Women and Child Protection Unit.”