
A helping hand for the San

Home Archived A helping hand for the San

WINDHOEK – The Namibia San Development Organization (NASDO) donated ten computers and one printer to the Dorado Park Pre and Primary School in Windhoek late last month. NASDO’s Namibian director Jersey Katjumune and cultural representative from the San community Slangert Kalbash handed the computers to the San community.

NASDO’s main sponsor is a German national Bernard Luther who donated 45 solar panels, 250 computers, 60 school tables, 60 school chairs and second-hand clothes valued at N$20 000, according to Katjumune.

In addition to the Khomas Region, NASDO will also donate to 15 schools in the Omaheke and Kunene regions. The Dorado Pre and Primary School Principal Emma Shilongo extended her gratitude to NASDO for their generosity. “I would like to thank Katjumune for his generosity in considering Dorado Pre and Primary School as one of the benefiting schools,” she said.  Learners present told to New Era they are really grateful to NASDO for taking the “youths’ education seriously”.

As a small token of appreciation the learners gave NASDO some of their used clothes in return. “We also thought we could give something back to show our gratitude to NASDO for taking young children’s education seriously,” said a learner from Dorado Pre and Primary School. The used clothes will be given to the less fortunate.

Shilongo advised learners all over the country to take their education seriously and study hard and had this to say to her fellow educators: “Teaching is a very challenging occupation – I encourage my colleagues to never give up. Take into consideration that the future of students lies solely in your hands.”

When asked about how she gets the best out of her pupils Shilongo said: “I make sure that all teachers attend to their learners and by offering learning support. As we all know children do not all learn at the same pace, therefore special care is given to learners at different levels.”


By John Travolter Matali