
//Hoeseb: Reading improves quality of learning

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//Hoeseb: Reading improves  quality of learning

TSES – //Kharas regional education director /Awebahe //Hoeseb said through reading constantly, learners can improve their English language proficiency and as a result achieve better examination results.

He advised learners during the inauguration of a new library for Nowak Primary School in Tses last week Friday. 

“Without reading, you will not be able to understand, remember and recall things during examinations,” the director explained. 

//Hoeseb urged learners to make optimal use of the library, as it will equip them with critical higher level thinking skills.

 “This library will be registered with the Namibia Library Services so that we can have a more constant replacement of books and also receive new ones regularly,” he said. 

He expressed his gratitude on behalf of the education directorate to retired German couple, Wolfgang and Barbare Mathee, members of the Rotary club for donating the new library to the school.

Also speaking during the same event, Maria Kruse Vries, the principal of St Therese Secondary School said apart from the other school that was equipped with a new library, they also received science textbooks from the Mathee couple.

The textbooks she said led to a tremendous improvement in the results of the subject within one year. 

Vries said after approaching the Rotary club about the challenge of learners not able to concentrate during afternoon studies due to the heat and mosquitos, the non- profit organization also equipped all classrooms at the school with ceiling fans. 

“We were also fortunate that the Anglo American Namibia foundation previously refurbished one of our classrooms into a state of the art science lab,” she added.

The principal also said the German couple has identified 10 vulnerable learners and sponsored them with full scholarships, including school wear, textbooks and pledged to look after their welfare at home. She also thanked the retired teachers for their noble deeds and promised that good care will be taken of all resources received whilst it will be used for the intended purposes. 

Bradley Isaacks, head boy of the school said they are grateful to the Rotary club for the new library. 

“I believe by reading we can now improve our academic performance whilst those learners struggling with reading and writing can also be assisted accordingly.” 

Meanwhile, head girl Monique Vries said having access to a library plays a very important role in a child’s education. 

“Reading books available now will not only improve our vocabulary, but also expand our knowledge and sharpen our English language reading and writing skills,” she said.