
Home affairs embarks on turnaround

Home Kavango West Home affairs embarks on turnaround

RUNDU – The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration has embarked on a turnaround strategy to improve service delivery that will be officially launched in April.

Adrressing a two-day two-day ministerial brainstorming workshop on improving service to the public on Thursday in Rundu, Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration,  Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, said the new strategy would see a generally improved experience for the general citizen and others making use of the ministry’s services.

The  workshop, which started on Wednesday, brought together staff from the ministry, various traditional leaders, church leaders, councillors, the governors of Kavango West and East and Zambezi as well as members of the Namibian Defence Force and others.

Iivula-Ithana urged staff to get to grips with the various problems facing the particular regions.

Iivula-Ithana also used the occasion to remind the nation that this being an election year citizens can only partake in the elections if they have a valid national identity document.

She also briefed the meeting on the mobile based customer service which she launched in Windhoek on Wednesday, March 12, saying that applicants are now able to query the actual status of their application directly from their mobile phone.

She said all contributions of the meeting would be taken into consideration towards improving service delivery.


By John Muyamba