
Hope restored for fire ravaged family

Home National Hope restored for fire ravaged family

Nambara Stefanus

Good Samaritans have restored hope for a normal life for a family of 11, including school-going children, at Ntara village in Kavango West region after only the clothes they were wearing were left when their homestead was razed to the ground by fire early this month.

The family lost everything, including their national identity documents and schoolbooks in the fire that was started by a four-year-old child who was apparently using it to scare away cats.

The destitute family received blankets, school uniforms for seven school-going children and food, among others, from the Kayengona Fishing Company based in Kavango East region.

Handing over the donation was the company’s chairperson, Alois Gende, who said they felt the need to assist the family as they had lost everything in the fire.

“When we heard the news, we came to see how the family had been affected. Upon seeing the extent of the damage caused, we were obliged to assist with the little we can from the company’s funds used to assist in times like these,” said Gende.

Some members of the community also donated five bags of mahangu, two bags of maize meal as well as pins and grass to be used for the construction of new traditional huts.

When the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology team arrived at the homestead, members of the community had already erected a new traditional boundary out of reeds.
Community members were also constructing new huts.

The head of the homestead, Sabinus Kaveto, expressed gratitude that people had come to his rescue, saying he almost gave up on life.

“I am relieved we now have food and blankets. I had been thinking a lot as to how we were going to survive because we did not have anything to sleep on. We would sit around the fire for warmth because it’s cold. But today we have food and blankets,” said Kaveto.