
Huge sports complex planned for Katutura

Home Featured Huge sports complex planned for Katutura

… Smokey Hilongwa unveils his ambitious ideas

Namibia’s super flyweight boxer-cum-promoter Joseph ‘Smokey’ Hilongwa and his right-hand man Ludwig Haimbodi yesterday disclosed their plans – or rather ambitions – to build a multimillion-dollar sports complex, which will consist of a boxing gym, fitness gym, study room, coffee shop, an indoor hall and two administration blocks.

Announcing their ambitious but somewhat farfetched plans, Haimbodi and Hilongwa who head the newly established Warriors Boxing Promotions CC, revealed that they already acquired a piece of land for the construction of the sports complex from the Windhoek Municipality in 2011, at erf 895 in the Goreangab residential area of Katutura for N$160 000, but which amount they are yet to put forward.

With all the foreseen financial obstacles that could hinder the smooth undertaking of such a massive project the duo admitted they would face a daunting task in luring funds for such a huge undertaking but maintained that they are ready to go the extra mile to attain their objectives at least by next year, if all goes according to plan.

Zooming  in on the various components of the projected sports complex, Haimbodi said the boxing gym would cater for professional and amateur boxers as well as three coaches for professional boxers and another three for amateurs, while the fitness gym would cater for members of the community where they will have four training sessions a day.

According to Haimbodi, the complex will also have a hall which will cater for all sorts of indoor sporting activities such as netball, volleyball and table tennis, amongst others, while a study room will be built for learners within the community to use when doing their homework or preparing for exams.

Also planned is a coffee shop to serve those in attendance and all the shop’s proceeds will go towards to the maintenance of the complex, amongst other needs.

“ I know this is a massive project that will require millions but we are ready to work extra hard and engage with various partners in order to source the required funds. Once this complex is finished, it will not only benefit the boxing fraternity but will also create employment as we will recruit a decent number of people on a permanent basis,” said a highly confident Haimbodi.


By Otniel Hembapu