
Iivula-Ithana serious about gender equality

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WINDHOEK – The Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana called on Swapo Party members who attended the official opening of the party’s district conference in the //Karas Region, and who participated in the party’s district elections two weeks ago to ensure 50/50 gender representation during the next elections.

She emphasised that the party’s election rules and procedures call for the identification of candidates taking into account the national character of the ruling party and the inclusion of women in order to correct the difficult socio-economic realities faced by women in Namibia. “Women are more than half of the Namibian population and more than 52 percent of voters, yet women hold fewer elected positions than men in our government across the country. The amended constitution of the party on 50/50 representation should be visible here today as we strive to fully apply this policy,” Iivula-Ithana urged.

She also cautioned members to be prepared for next year’s elections by ensuring that their documents are in order. “Ensure that you are a paid up Swapo Party member. Running around at the last minute should be avoided by pre-planning and making time for such arrangements,” she said. She also encouraged members to remain supportive of each other, because a political organisation that lacks internal democracy is characterised by personal rivalries, ideological divisions, intolerance and character assassination. During the election that was held two weeks ago,  Maria Alivulu was elected the district coordinator replacing Silas Situla, whereas Abraham Christian was elected to the position of information and mobilization officer. This position was formerly held by Henry Coetzee. Lena Hishitomhunu who competed against Conrad Awala was elected the district treasurer.

By Jemima Beukes