
Industry Loop – Chanique Rabe vs The People

Home National Industry Loop – Chanique Rabe vs The People
Industry Loop –   Chanique Rabe vs The People

 The Chanique Rabe issue is actually exceptionally deep. Well, one could argue that everything is deep on industry loop. 

The Chanique Rabe (Namibia’s Miss Supranational 2021) issue is essentially something I’ve been writing about for years on this platform. 

For years, I’ve been saying that Namibia has an identity crisis. I have gone on record on numerous platforms, including this one, outlining what this identity crisis looks like. Chanique Rabe in her defence, explained there was a misunderstanding on her interpretation of the question asked, as her response was based on languages she speaks and understands, which are Dutch, Afrikaans and isiZulu – the latter of which she explains she had learned from living in South Africa. 

Be that as it may, I am almost happy that the Chanique Rabe moment happened. Dare I ask, why are we surprised at the incident? Why the uproar? Why condemn Chanique Rabe for something we do shamelessly as Namibians? Is it not true that we, Namibians, worship everything about South Africa? Please prove me wrong. We worship South African music: we worship their choreography; we worship their soapies; we worship their politics; we worship their sports; we worship their languages and slang. 

I’ve had endless conversations with South Africans who would visit Namibia and tell me to my face that they feel right at home because everything about “us” reminds them of their home. If you switch on the radio, you hear South African music all day. 

If you switch on your TV, you see South African content all day. There are South Africans on our stages almost every weekend. So, why crucify Chanique Rabe for citing isiZulu? 

The Namibian Generation Z identify more with the South African culture as opposed to the Namibian way of life. 

Eintlik, what is the Namibian way of life for that matter? Every single one of us who criticised Chanique Rabe are hypocrites. You are a hypocrite; own it! 

We are at a stage of this issue where we need to call a spade a spade. Because truth be told, every single one of us who criticised Chanique Rabe admires one thing or another about South Africa. 

Every single one of us who criticised Chanique Rabe worship something South African. Chanique Rabe, though unintentionally, according to her statement, only placed the brightest spotlight on an issue exceptionally deeply rooted. 

At this point I stand with Chanique Rabe, simply because we are hypocrites for crucifying her while we genuinely know that we are all obsessed with South Africa! 

*Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM Need an MC? I do not post naked pictures or have 100k followers, but after 10 years of MCeeing, I think I can do the job. Contact me for a quote at naobebsekind@gmail.com