Industry Loop: Dating an entertainer: Part 2

Home Lifestyle Industry Loop: Dating an entertainer: Part 2

Last April we helped you with tips for dummies on how to not only survive but also thrive in a relationship with an entertainer.

Dating an entertainer kashipu, and hence, one could sum up the consensus at the time in three words: a) accept b) communicate and c) contextualise.

Accept because well accept that your partner is an entertainer.
That’s what they do. That’s who they are. Being an Entertainer is unlike no other. It’s not a five to eight job where you put on a nice skirt and suit for the day and take it off after five. Being an entertainer is 24/7.
It’s in their blood. That’s all they know and that’s all they do. Accept that. He will have fans that are cuter than you are meme.

She will have these COTAs with six packs, vraa paas and money that will at every chance try to score her omes. She will take pictures of everything. He will upload everything on social media and time will always be an issue.
Communicate because an entertainer’s schedule is insanely hectic. Hence, they won’t always have the time to stop, pause, and accept an emotion for what it is. That’s where you come in. Initiate the communication fam.
Entertainers generally struggle to communicate, hence, why you should slot in and initiate it. “Why must I always be the one to initiate blah blah blah”.

Los dei attitude abuti seun; remember what I said right at the beginning? Dating an entertainer is not easy. A whole day can pass without getting a text from your entertainer special somebody. It’s not that she does not want or does not give a rats ass…it’s just that she gets caught up in the nature of her work, which can be insanely hectic.

When it comes to contextualising, the sword will need to fall on the entertainer. The entertainer in the relationship needs to take time out to explain the nature of their work to their special somebody.
Otherwise, when you come back home in the early hours of the morning from studio sessions, your person will not understand. Or when you are moody because you received some negative feedback regarding your art… your person won’t understand the impact it’s having on you.

As the entertainer… contextualise the intricacies of your work to your neck friend. Do all three of these and it can only result in a harmonious relationship. That was the advice last year. Still is!

Have you since tried to follow the Industry Loop 3 step guideline to not only surviving but also thriving in a loving relationship with an entertainer? If you haven’t… let me guess what has been the case.

You two hardly talk. He hardly shows affection, and when he does show affection it’s as a result of the consumption of forbidden substances. You’re hella stressed. You hardly get to spend time with her.
You have no idea what his work is about. You don’t understand the mechanics that goes into her end product. You cannot for the life of Mr. Deliver, Deliver, Deliver understand his mood swings.

Listen to me. #SwitchesOnMadeaVoice Hear my voice echoing right down your eardrum #SwitchesOffMadeaVoice. Go back to what I said last year a) Accept b) communicate and c) contextualise.

Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!

Song of the week: Rodney Seibeb: /nami
Flop of the week: Rocking Gents: Lovey

NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email or @naobebsekind (twitter)