
Industry Loop – Is Fidel O’Del’s truth the actual truth?

Home National Industry Loop – Is Fidel O’Del’s truth the actual truth?
Industry Loop –  Is Fidel O’Del’s truth the actual truth?

I’ve always maintained that there are three sides to a story: your truth, their truth and the actual truth. 

The aim of the #IndustryLoop podcast with Yours Truly is rather elementary… unearthing proudly Namibian stories. Since we launched this platform last year, we have been privy to incredible Namibian stories from personalities who we simply know via their art. 

In 2024, your art is simply not enough. We live in a world where you are now interested in the back story. You want to know about every single thing that led to a decision, an action or an event. The #IndustryLoop podcast satisfies that exact need.

The sooner Namibian creative practitioners understand this, the faster we can move towards a space where we can all #nau-mai to the bank. Namibian creative practitioners cannot be so backward and hostile towards a platform like the #IndustryLoop podcast that speaks to the exact need of the very same people that keeps them relevant.

With that said, I ask, what did we learn from the Fidel O’Del #IndustryLoop podcast that went live about a week ago? What lessons can we extract from a gentleman who has been there since day one? There’s not a single Namibian who does not understand that for a long time, it was GMP vs Mshasho. The beef resulted in stray bullets like Sunny Boy. But did we really understand the “why”?

This is beef that had this country in a chokehold for a decade and some change. So, why would anyone find it offensive when the source of the beef is unearthed by someone who has been there since day one?

Events like award shows are not just born out of thin air. Someone had to conceptualise it, right? There had to be witnesses, right? Fidel O’Del’s allegations that his concept for an award show was stolen from him is nothing new in Ousi Libertina Amadhila’s Namibia. 

If we dig a little deeper and press the right button, I’m sure half of the capital will flood us with stories of how a concept of theirs was stolen with no remedial action. So, why would anyone find it offensive when a reality of this nature is unearthed by someone who has been there since day one?

Another interesting observation with the Fidel O’Del #IndustryLoop podcast is how people would shy away at the opportunity to exercise their right of reply. We

offered all parties mentioned in a bad light in that episode an opportunity to exercise their right of reply. So far, none has expressed explicit willingness at the time of this column going to print to bring their side of the truth.

So, do we then assume that Fidel O’Del’s truth is the full triangular truth? Remember, there’s your truth, their truth and the actual truth.

Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM

Need an MC? I’m YOUR guy. Hit me up…naobebsekind@gmail.com