
Industry Loop: My NAMAs Wish List

Home National Industry Loop: My NAMAs Wish List

I hope that our entertainers will BRING IT to the Namibia Annual Music Awards stage. Imagine an embarrassing situation if Holly Rey outperforms our entertainers? I pray that the age-old habit of lip-synching while intoxicated and high on forbidden substances with zero uniformity is outdated! 

Entertainers that have been granted the opportunity to perform at the NAMAs need to understand that this show is the biggest entertainment platform in the country. This is the type of platform where you break your bank on performance gear, props, creative storylines and routine. 

You are finding yourself amongst tried and tested brands like Gazza and Exit who we know will bring fire. What will you do to make your set 10 times better than theirs? Leave no stone unturned. Do not be lazy at making sure your set is memorable. You don’t want to be that guy that gifts the audience a chance to go to the loo. From the onset, your set needs to captivate audiences both live and at home, from the second you are introduced. 

Socials will be lit, so don’t be that guy that everyone will be talking about for delivering poor performance. If you are looking to make it “business as usual” with your performance, kindly recuse yourself. There are others who would die for an opportunity of this calibre.

The fact that Holly Rey will share a stage with you should motivate you to go the extra mile. I saw Holly Rey live and she BRINGS IT! Her work rate and ability to captivate is second to none! If NBC, MTC and any other technical support at the venue is struggling to bring your vision to life, do not stop at that. 
Hire your own experts to bring your vision to life for your set. If there is one thing I learnt during my time, as a professional MC is that when you are on stage, that space and time is YOURS! 

OWN IT! Nobody should dictate to you what you can and can’t do during YOUR SLOT! You’re the performer. It’s YOUR vision that you want to bring to life on the night. YOU dictate the terms. I wish the performers all the best. Be rest assured… #NamTwitter will pounce on any mistake or bore. 

Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!
NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email naobebsekind@gmail.com
@naobebsekind(twitter) NSK #GMTM (facebook)