
Industry Loop – Small town hustler …we see you!

Home National Industry Loop – Small town hustler …we see you!
Industry Loop –   Small town hustler  …we see you!

If it’s one thing I know about Top Cheri…with every interview, she always makes reference to her hometown Walvis Bay. Earlier this week…that was proven to be correct because, in a radio conversation with me, she made reference to her hometown again.

One of the things that Top Cheri always highlights is that she was always discouraged to dream big. Her surroundings in Walvis Bay never encouraged ambition. Her surroundings in Walvis Bay never had any faith whatsoever that someone like her…an ordinary girl would become someone extraordinary.

As you may well know, Top Cheri…after over a decade of hustling in the capital, is an extraordinary brand today. Just recently, she was awarded the ambassadorial role for the 2023 Know2Grow NextGen Entrepreneurs Showcase. This is huge!

I agree with Top Cheri, I too am from Walvis Bay. I
know exactly what she means and understand her references. Growing up in a small town…your mentality ends at the “Welcome” sign. One would probably argue that things have changed today…because I left Walvis Bay in 2008! However, a recent visit to Walvis

Bay…and immediately I noticed that the cycle continues. Zero ambition which means there could be another Top Cheri or NSK sitting in Walvis Bay whose talents may rot away because of well, small-town mentality.

The intention is not to single out my hometown. I love my hometown. I am because of those Kuisebmond streets. Obviously, I would want the town to get to a point where the youth do not need to leave the town for better opportunities.

Hell, I would love to go back to Walvis Bay if it accorded me the opportunities and platforms that I utilise to keep the lights on. But the reality is…a majority of the small towns are simply not there.

There are next to no opportunities for people like Top Cheri and myself. There are next to no opportunities for the younger version of Top Cheri and myself in these small towns. However, small-town hustlers…do not give up. You can and you will. It starts with your mind, it starts with your personal ambition. It starts with YOU!

So, I salute Top Cheri for passionately sharing her story on each and every single platform. I salute many others like Top Cheri’s similar stories and who also use their respective platforms to beam a spotlight on their story. Because your story ensures that, we do not have extraordinary people rotting away in small towns. Small town hustler…we see you! Keep pushing!

Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM

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