Industry Loop: Upcoming hustle

Home Lifestyle Industry Loop: Upcoming hustle

Upcoming artists…I have a kweshen. Whose fault is it that people do not react to your music at a live show when you are performing? If we can shun Omarion, a global superstar…ano who are you again?

I’v seen over the past year or so that some quarters of artistry have decided to shun radio and opt for either the internet or live shows. Let’s explore the pitfalls of the said approach for an upcoming artist.

People go to shows to sing along and dance to music that they ALREADY KNOW. If I’m at a concert and an artist that I genuinely don’t know jumps on, I will either bury my head in my phone or use your slot as an opportunity to do other things. Things like visit the lavatory and check up on my car. Maybe even make a move on that girl I’ve been eyeing all night.

But it will definitely not be to stand through your performance. People don’t have the patience to be learning new songs at a show. People want to stay on their feet and dance and sing the night away. Not stand there like a statue through your slot. Even if by all means, I’d like to accommodate you or something new…one song is enough. One dope song with an energetic, fun and innovative performance is enough. Beyond that, you’ve lost the audience. You’ve got to be an incredible performer if you are to get people to vibe along to you. You’ve got to be a Gazza times 10. But we all know that you are not. You grab your crotch, stand there in the middle alone, drunk and high on something and you scream into the mic. Much to the annoyance of everyone. You got to choose a struggle here omes. You can’t be upcoming and nog be shxt at performing. As for the internet…honestly, nobody got time for anything else but social media.

The only time people get time is when they are at work because of the comfort of a PC and a desk with WiFi. But ultimately I’m still at work. I don’t go to work making it a point to download your songs fam. I go to work thinking I’m going to work mos? So that leaves us with mobile internet servers. Please show me one person that goes on these music sites on their phones to download your songs with aweh kama? Maybe the administrators of Namibia can correct my analysis with number but honestly it doesn’t happen. Majority use phones for porn sites (don’t even act like you don’t) and social media.

Why do you think YouTube views in Namibia are average? No, really if the majority were really that great with the internet in Namibia, why haven’t you hit the big time yet? They are mos called “internet sensations” in the Western world…are you an internet sensation? I know, I know…you want to advance the Ixa argument on me right? Ixa is big a couple of towns because of the sheer determination by his people to support him. But people in Grootfontein don’t know Ixa, people in +Gobabis don’t know the homie. Again, it’s not that he is bad…his music is incredible. But he too needs to realise the power of radio!

People are always ready to accept new material when listening to radio. Because that’s when people are calm, sober and in their comfort zone. They will sit through your interview. They will still stay tuned to hear your song. It is while listening to radio that people will make up their mind on whether to follow your brand or nah.
If you’ve BEEN doing radio, if your music been on radio, if you been on radio for interviews and you still struggle to get people to react to your performance. Then you straight up wack my ninja. Accept it for what is and go back to the drawing board.

Until the next loop, we say “GMTM”!

Oldie of the week: MYNDZ: Shiloshe (2000)
NSK is a professional MC. For bookings, email
@naobebsekind (twitter)