
Inmates bite officer, escape custody

Home National Inmates bite officer, escape custody
Inmates bite officer, escape custody

The Namibian Police are investigating a case in which a police officer was assaulted, bitten on the hand and had his legs tied by three inmates before one of them escaped from custody. 

The incident occurred at the Gibeon police station holding cells this past weekend. 

According to the police weekend crime report, the officer on duty went alone to the holding cells to allow the inmates to collect their laundry from the washing line.  After he opened the cell door, he was overpowered by three inmates who grabbed him, tied his legs and held him hostage. The police indicated that the officer was assaulted as the suspects also bit his hand. 

“He managed to free himself and called for assistance but in the process, a 37-year-old Namibian male inmate who is detained on two counts of rape and assault allegedly escaped,” indicated the report. 

The report stated three charges were laid against the trio; assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, assisting an inmate to escape and escaping from lawful custody.

 It specified that although an immediate manhunt has been launched, no arrest was made and police investigations are ongoing. Meanwhile, the police are also investigating five rape cases in which women of different ages, including learners, were forced to have sexual intercourse with suspects without their consent.

On Friday, at around 01h00 at Okatanyange village in Outapi constituency, a 26-year-old man allegedly had sexual intercourse with the victim, who is a 15-year-old grade 7 learner without her consent. 

The suspect was arrested and is expected to appear before the magistrate’s court in Outapi this week. 

Another alleged rape occurred at Mupini village in Kavango West, when two suspects aged 17 and 18 followed a 13-year-old girl and grabbed her from behind, pulled her into the dark area and had sexual intercourse with her. Both suspects were arrested and will appear at the Kahenge periodical court.

At Omadano village in Omundaungilo constituency, a 19-year-old Angolan male suspect allegedly entered the victim’s sleeping room and had sexual intercourse with a 12-year-old girl. 

The suspect is employed as a domestic worker at the victim’s house. 

He was arrested and will appear before court this week. At Otjomuise in Windhoek, a 28-year-old man broke into a house and demanded a 26-year-woman give him money and alcohol. 

The suspect also inserted his finger into the victim’s private parts at knifepoint. 

The suspect was arrested over the weekend and is expected to make his first appearance this week. On Friday, at around 16h00 in Soweto location at Outjo, an adult male suspect found a 42-year-old woman at her home, grabbed the victim from behind and as they struggled, the victim’s knee dislocated, preventing her from defending herself. 

“The suspect, who is a cousin to the victim, further had sexual intercourse with her without her consent. 

The suspect is not yet arrested but efforts to arrest him are underway. The victim is admitted to the Outjo hospital,” said the police.   ljason@nepc.com.na