Insufficient funds to service land in Ohangwena

Home National Insufficient funds to service land in Ohangwena


Ongenga settlement in Ohangwena Region is struggling to service land and compensate people living within the town boundaries in order to pave the way for planned development.

Acting Chief Regional Officer for Ohangwena Regional Council Phillip Shilongo said land at the settlement is available, however the funds are insufficient to service the land.

At present the settlement has enough land to accommodate 178 plots, however this land remains unserviced.
Since Ongenga was declared a settlement in 1997, it has thus far only serviced and allocated 139 plots altogether.

Three of the plots in the area are serviced, but unallocated, while 53 residential and business plots are under construction.
As a result the settlement has over the years failed to attract investors and has about 67 unserviced business plots.

“One of the biggest challenges the settlement faces is the inability to attract investment due to unavailability of serviced business plots,” said Shilongo.

According to Shilongo, the settlement could over the years not be upgraded to the next level, village council, as it has been struggling to secure the necessary infrastructure to sustain itself.

“We are confident that with the new development of the provision of services at the town, Ongenga can be seen to be ready to advance to a village council or even a town council,” said Shilongo.

On Tuesday the town council witnessed the commissioning of a water and sewerage reticulation and pumping station.
Money was also procured for the construction of an oxidation pond.

Shilongo said the settlement is now graced with basic services such as electricity, water, and roads, among others.
Shilongo outlined that the settlement still continues to face challenges of people refusing to be compensated.

To date, the settlement could only afford to compensate five homesteads.

He said the region has requested N$14 million in the current financial year to develop Ongenga, Omungwelume and Okongo.