
Investigations still not finalised in after-party murder case

Home Crime and Courts Investigations still not finalised in after-party murder case

Maria Amakali

Windhoek-Investigations into the case of a man accused of killing his colleague at a year-end work party during a shooting incident at a local bar in Windhoek are still not yet complete.

Julian Dawson, 38, is facing a murder charge in connection with the death of 35-year-old Sheku Bonifatius Tjihepo.
Dawson, who was granted N$10 000 bail in the Windhoek regional court in February this year, is still waiting for investigations into his case to be finalised so that he can stand trial and answer to the events that led to the death of his colleague.

Public prosecutor Munddia Cedrick informed the court on Friday that even though the court has a lab reference number, investigations are not yet finalised as lab results and photo plan are yet to be filed. Cedrick asked the court to postpone the matter to allow the investigations to be completed.

According to the substantial facts contained on the charge sheet, Dawson shot and killed Tjihepo unlawfully and intentionally at or near Ausspannplatz on 12 November 2016. Tjihepo died after being shot in the chest. It is alleged that Tjihepo and Dawson were in the company of friends and colleagues at a local bar in Ausspannplatz, Windhoek, when a fight broke out between the two.

During the argument, Dawson, who was in possession of a gun, pulled it out and started firing several shots at random within the club. Allegedly after the argument was over, Dawson got into another heated argument with another customer at the bar and once again fired three shots into the air. Tjihepo was shot while trying to wrestle the gun from Dawson, the charge sheet says. He died after one bullet penetrated his chest and another one hit him in the back.

Dawson will make his next appearance in court on September 29, after magistrate Elizabeth Mungunda postponed the case to allow for further police investigations.