Sometimes it isn’t all about moolah

Home Columns Sometimes it isn’t all about moolah

Selma Neshiko

Getting straight to the point, I’ve wanted to write about this for quite some time now and I’m glad I got this chance.
Well, I’ve picked up this moan from so many men a lot of times claiming women only want a man with cash, they like money and what not but the reality is in most cases men with money are the core cause for this.

A man who “made it” and expressed concerns about women only wanting him for money or women are like this and that is the same man who would roll up with a Benz, popping bottles, wearing flashy watches and other big brands showing off to the world and I must say this is a flaw that never ceases to amaze me.
With the mentality they can attract any women with their status, they end up attracting the wrong ones, who tend to go out with them for all the wrong reasons and end up labelling women as ‘All the same’, ‘ Gold digger’ and so much more.

When men parade about the possessions they tend to make it clear they do have money, by this means end up enticing those women who they are supposedly trying to avoid.

I feel everyone has the capability to understand whether someone is attracted to them for the right reasons or for the wrong reasons.

You should make a point of not relying heavily on showing off and maybe you’ll attract a woman who loves you for who you really are.

A confident man does not display his wealth to attract anybody, I’m not saying you shouldn’t be proud of your success or what you have, after all you worked hard for it but I just think it’s wise to keep it on a low when looking for that special someone to be on the safe side.

Men should know that not all women are the same.

We all don’t want money from men, some women are independent, or just want a good man, with a great personality. These are just some of the things women would want either than money.

Another good example, a women will date a guy without a job or earns little and then a rich man comes by telling her she deserves better.

But you would ask yourself who and what is better in this case and in which sense? You or your status?

Yes, sometimes women will marry for money because of various reasons that only they would know, I’m not expert but how they were raised; influence from society might play a major role in how they carry on with such a lifestyle.

Don’t get me wrong, there are women who love money and would date you just for that but also it’s easy to see if a women is attracted to you for you or your money and if you can’t tell then that is your mistake to learn from.