It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up

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It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up

Romanus Sindi


In our fast-paced world, where instant gratification is often sought after, it can be easy to become impatient when things do not progress as quickly as we would like. 

We want things to happen in the blink of an eye – but unfortunately, that is not how the world works. Rome was not built in a day – as they say.

Whether it is personal goals, career advancements or societal changes, the reality is that progress takes time. 

It is a slow process, but quitting will not speed it up. It is like trying to push a river – it is not going to happen.

So, why do we often get frustrated and want to throw in the towel? It is because we live in a society that values instant results. 

We want everything now – fast food, fast internet, fast results. But true progress does not happen overnight. It takes hard work, dedication and perseverance.

Think of it like climbing a mountain. The path to the summit is steep and treacherous, with many obstacles along the way. It is easy to get discouraged and want to turn back. But if you quit, you will never reach the top. 

Success is like that mountain summit; it may be difficult to reach, but the view from the top is worth it.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race. It is not about how quickly you get there; it is about the journey and the lessons you learn along the way.

Patience and perseverance

Patience is a virtue that many successful individuals attribute their achievements to. It allows us to stay focused on our goals, despite setbacks and delays. 

Patience enables us to maintain a positive mindset and persevere through challenging times. Without patience, we may succumb to frustration and give up prematurely.

Perseverance is the key ingredient in achieving long-term success. 

It is the ability to keep going – even when faced with obstacles or discouragement. Perseverance requires resilience and determination to push through difficulties and setbacks.

Moreover, as the saying goes, ‘Good things come to those who wait’. So, keep calm, carry on and never give up.

Developing patience and perseverance requires conscious effort and practice. Some strategies to cultivate these qualities are to set realistic expectations: understand that progress takes time and setbacks are normal; focus on the process: instead of solely fixating on the result, embrace the journey itself; seek support: surround yourself with like-minded individuals who understand the importance of patience and perseverance.


Quitting is often seen as an easy way out when faced with difficulties or slow progress. However, quitting rarely leads to positive outcomes. When we quit, we miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and learning. 

Quitting can lead to feelings of regret and self-doubt. It is natural to question your abilities and wonder if you made the right decision. Quitting not only affects your progress but it can also have a negative impact on those around you. 

If you are part of a team or have dependents relying on you, giving up without valid reasons can disrupt their plans or expectations. 

Quitting too easily can prevent the development of resilience – the ability to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the face of adversity. Resilience is an essential trait for success in various aspects of life, including career, relationships and personal well-being.


Failure is an integral part of the progress journey. It provides us with valuable lessons and insights that help us refine our approach and make necessary adjustments. Embracing failure as a stepping stone towards success allows us to learn from our mistakes and become better equipped for future endeavours. 

Quitting prematurely denies us the chance to learn from failure and ultimately slows down our progress.

Failure humbles individuals, fostering empathy towards others who are facing similar challenges. It allows for a deeper understanding of the struggles and setbacks that others may encounter.

Failure often sparks innovation and creativity, as it forces you to think outside the box and explore alternative solutions. Some of the greatest inventions and breakthroughs have emerged from failed attempts.

When you fail, you can analyse what went wrong, identify areas for improvement and adjust your approach accordingly. This process of reflection and adaptation helps you grow and develop new skills.

In a world that values instant results, it is crucial to remember that progress takes time. Patience and perseverance are essential qualities that enable us to stay committed to our goals, despite setbacks and delays. 

Quitting may seem like a tempting option when faced with slow progress, but it only hinders our journey towards success. 

Embrace the process, learn from failures and keep pushing forward because it is a slow process but quitting will not speed it up.

* Romanus Sindi is a seminarian under priesthood formation for about three years. He completed a bachelor’s degree in philosophy (B.PH).