
Industry Loop – It’s Film Month MFs!!!

Industry Loop – It’s Film Month MFs!!!

I am sure every single professional Namibian actor is sick and tired of getting questions like… “Where can we watch the movie?”

“You say you are a professional actor, but we do not see your stuff on Netflix?”

“Mara, where can I watch Namibian movies?”

I think I speak for all involved in one way or another with the Namibian film industry…that we are exceptionally happy that it’s officially Film Month.

I’m calling it Film Month and not
Week because we have two separate initiatives that will highlight Namibian movies, films and series. Multichoice Namibia is hosting a two-day Film Festival from 28 – 29 September 2024, and the Namibia Film Commission is in the midst of its film, which started on 19 September 2024.

The sad truth is this…apart from YouTube and by sheer luck, the national broadcaster, initiatives like Film Week are but the only outlets where one can enjoy Namibian films and series. In as much as every second Namibian is on Netflix, Netflix really could not give a rat’s ass about the Land of the Brave, simply because it makes zero economic sense to commission a Namibian movie. The only other hope, DSTV…started an initiative two years
ago, alongside the national broadcaster inwhich it committed to fast-track and inject life into the Namibian film
industry. In 2023, Multichoice commissioned 13 Namibian film productions. This year, that number fell to eight new works: six movies, one documentary, and one lifestyle show.

The point I am making is that, apart from Multichoice’s efforts and private screenings, Film Month is part of the only other time Namibians can fully grasp and enjoy Namibian films. These initiatives are

somewhat also limited to the capital city…which makes it even more difficult for the rest of the country to understand and appreciate Namibian films. But hey…look, that is not going to stop me from celebrating the fact that there is at least some sort of platform willing to absorb the costs of screening Namibian films.

My ultimate hope is for Namibian content to be freely available on Netflix. My ultimate hope is for Namibian content to live 24/7 on a channel strictly dictated to the Land of the Brave on Dstv. My ultimate hope is that Namibians will perhaps build their own streaming service where all Namibian content will live.

For now, though, we will take what we have. Thank you Multichoice for the two-day film festival. Thank you Namibia Film Commission for your efforts with the Film Week. The next time I get a “Where can we watch the movie?”

“You say you are a professional actor, but we do not see your stuff on Netflix?”

“Mara, where can I watch Namibian movies?”

I will respond and ask… “Waar was jy during Film Month?”

Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM

Need an MC? I’m YOUR guy. Hit me up…naobebsekind@gmail.com