It’s Total Tara Rally time!

Home Front Page News It’s Total Tara Rally time!

ENGINES have been finely tuned, and rally teams are getting ready to strap themselves in, for the biggest and final rally on the 2013 Namibian motorsport season, with the three-day event guaranteed to be dubbed the toughest and most challenging rally of the year.

The 45th Total Tara, which is taking place in Windhoek starting today, Thursday, November 21, and ending on Saturday 23, will start at the Wanderers Sports Field where spectators can view the incredible line-up of rally vehicles driven by our Namibian rally championship contenders.

Once again the route will be tough, and the hours strapped into these high tech machines, will be long and hard for drivers and navigator, who cover a distance of over 700 kilometres of rally route during the three days.

Thursday night will provide its set of circumstances with some hair- raising night driving, that usually sorts the ‘mice from the men’ early in the rally. A total of 20 rally teams are taking part, which includes participants from all over Namibia as well as one South African team.  Reigning Namibian Rally Champion Wilro Dippenaar’s  and last year’s Tara winner, is going to give the boys a run for their money in a potent  S2000 Toyota Run-X which has been making waves on the SA rally circuit this year.

But the heat will be on from top guns who amongst others, are Stephanie Botha and Willem Botha, Allan Martin and Berto Mostert, Cecil Koorts and Oscar Schoombee, Dick Cornelissen and Melvin Gous as well as Roland Himmel and Juan Erlank all driving potent rally machines.

The official starting time of the rally is 19h30 at the Wanderers Sports Field, but spectators can view the vehicles which will be parked on the grass form 15h00. The stadium in Prosperitas will provide a first class opportunity for motorsport fans to see the cars getting into gear as they chase into the first stages.

Friday morning the cars will drive out Okahandja, and Wilhelemstaal. The Tony Rust will be the main spectator view point later in the day, with cars expected to make their arrival from 18h33  providing loads of action. This is an extremely spectator friendly stage, where you can locate yourself at the bottom end of the racetrack for the action.


It is advisable to be there early so you can watch the front runners gunning for it. The vehicles will have already settled in after Thursday’s night stages and Friday’s long haul.

Saturday will see the cars driving stages in and around Windhoek. And if you missed it on Friday, you can take a drive out to the Tony Rust Track where the cars will be at it again from 10h00, or otherwise at 12h30.

Spectator and information guides are available from  Total Service Stations  on theTotal Tara Rally  — so pop into your nearest outlet, to get the full picture. More information is also available on the Total Tara Rally website.

By Donna Collins