
Jailed for stealing from employer

Home Crime and Courts Jailed for stealing from employer

By Tunomukwathi Asino

WINDHOEK – Magistrate Justine Asino yesterday sentenced Neal Randall Dunaiski to three years and four months in prison for stealing N$30 000 from his employer.

Dunaiski was sentenced to four years of which eight months were suspended for a period of five years on condition that he was not convicted of the offence of theft during the period of suspension.

He was arrested on 12 June and faced a charge of theft. The charge sheet said that in December 2013 in Windhoek he stole N$30 000 from Willem Christiaan Gentle of Magic Discount.

He was free on bail of N$8000.

Dunaiski pleaded guilty to the charge.

“During the month of December 2013 until end of May 2014, I stole money from the company, Magic Discount. I was employed there as a cashier,” he informed the court.

He further said when customers came to pay their accounts, he did not ring up the money and set it aside for his personal use. “I deleted certain information from the system for my actions not to be detected,” he added.

He explained that he stole the money to pay his accounts and for his daily needs such as buying food.

Dunaiski further informed the court that he earned N$2 500 and requested a fine of N$8 000.

The offence was discovered after customers went to finalise paying their accounts but the business system showed they still had money outstanding.

Dunaisky informed the court that the money was not recovered but as soon as he got a job he would repay it. He has since been dismissed from his job.

Prosecutor Samantha Diergaardt said Dunaiski was fortunate enough to have been employed although perhaps the salary was not as high as he would like it to have been. “So many Namibians are seeking employment,” the prosecutor added.

She requested that Dunaiski be sentenced to four years and six months’ direct imprisonment