
Junior tennis tourney set for next weekend

Home National Junior tennis tourney set for next weekend
Junior tennis tourney set for next weekend

The Namibia Tennis Association will host a junior tournament on the weekend of 30 July in the capital.

Chairperson of the NTA Junior Tennis Committee Santie van der Walt said they are expecting a huge number of entries for this junior tournament, as this event will also be instrumental in preparing those that will compete in the Davis Cup scheduled for August.

So far this year, the association has hosted close to 10 junior tournaments, which Van der Walt said have been of great importance in developing young talents in the country.

“We have had various tournaments (junior) and, I can say that I am happy with the number of talents that have been developed through these tournaments. We hope to have more of them to ensure that the sport grows as well,” she added.

– mkambukwe@nepc.com.na