
Kahimise brings order to City Police

Home National Kahimise brings order to City Police

Staff Reporter

WINDHOEK – The City of Windhoek has nullified the acting tenures of about 44 officers in the City Police, who have for years acted, without being confirmed, in senior positions.

According to the City of Windhoek chief executive officer Robert Kahimise the City Police has never had a promotion policy through which it could substantially fill vacant senior positions, which has resulted in people acting in senior positions, such as superintendent, for between five to eight years.

“I requested the City Police to finalise their promotion policy. I think it is just fair. Once council has approved the promotion policy, which we intend to do, we can start with the promotion to fill those specific positions rather than them acting that has been there for years, which is not fair as well,” said Kahimise.

Council is expected to approve the promotion policy before the start of the new financial year next month July.
Those who were acting in senior positions have now been relegated to their original lower ranking position in the force. The decision has attracted divided opinion among the peace officers of the city. Some are happy that finally the playing field is being levelled for all to have a fair chance to promotion in the ranks. However, there is also a group who feel that those who have been acting should have been confirmed in those positions.

Members of the City Police were last week informed of the directive through meetings by senior officers. The directive stated that as of June 15 no City Police officer would be occupying an acting position in the force regardless of the rank they have.