Kaimu appointed CEO of IOB

Home International Kaimu appointed CEO of IOB


Following vigorous threats for over a year by Namibian Institute of Bankers (IOB) students, backed by the Namibia National Students’ Organisation (Nanso) to remove from office the institution’s acting chief executive officer (CEO), John-Day Mande, the institution finally capitulated to students’ demands and appointed a new head.

Newly appointed CEO Virginia Kaimu replaces the Mande, the besieged former acting CEO, who apparently fell out of favour with both students and fellow staff members.

Last year irate IOB students, accompanied by Nanso members that included its president Wilhelm Wilhelm, in the presence of the police caused a commotion at the institute to express their dissatisfaction with the management style of Mande, who at the beginning of this month left the institution. Kaimu assumed her duties last week.

In mid-October last year the council succumbed to student pressure and placed an advert in the local media for a new CEO after the incumbent fell out with both staff and students, who were dissatisfied with his style of management.

Kaimu previously served as regional manager at Standard Bank, as well as at Bank of Namibia as a bank examiner and financial accountant. She also previously worked for the National Housing Enterprise (NHE) and Swabou. She has also worked as a teacher at A. Shipena Secondary School.

Contacted for comment Bank of Namibia spokesperson Ndangi Katoma, who is also an IOB exco member, yesterday confirmed the appointment of Kaimu.

In January, IOB students threatened to remove the CEO if he stayed on longer and no replacement was made. Speaking on behalf of students, who were happy with the new CEO, newly-elected student representative council president Vaino Malumbu said: “We’re truly happy about the newly-appointed CEO. She is really a good person. As students we need people like her, who have the interest of students [at heart] and are always willing to work with people.”

Malumbu is hopeful that students will now see progress and development at the institution.

Former SRC president Simpson Nangolo, who had been at the forefront of the campaign to remove Mande, expressed relief. “We’re very happy that Mande is gone. He doesn’t have student interests at heart. He is full of autocratic leadership style. We know that the new broom that just came will sweep the institution clean. She has communication skills,” Nangolo remarked.