
Kalahari shooting case postponed to October

Home Crime and Courts Kalahari shooting case postponed to October

The Katutura Magistrate’s Court yesterday postponed the case of a Namibian Defence Force officer accused of shooting and killing a Zimbabwean national last year during a Kalahari Desert operation. 
Magistrate Alice Gawanas postponed the matter due to Covid-19 regulations to 9 October. The accused, Gerson Nakale (38), who is currently out on bail, appeared in absentia.

Nakale was arrested following a shooting incident that resulted in the death of Zimbabwean national Talent Fambauone Black (22) during a joint security force operation in Greenwell Matongo on 20 June 2019.
Police reports at the time indicated that members of Operation Kalahari Desert had set up a mini mobile roadblock on Monica Street, Greenwell Matongo when a Toyota Paso with a taxi number L68 approached the said roadblock. 

The driver allegedly made a U-turn, turning away before the mini roadblock and sped off.   
An NDF member who was with a Nampol member fired four shots from his AK assault rifle in the direction of the fleeing taxi.
Consequently, according to the police, one bullet hit the vehicle’s boot and penetrated until it hit the driver in the head, killing him instantly.  
The driver was alone in the vehicle.

Nakale, a member of A Squadron, based at Luiperdsvallei military base outside Windhoek, is now facing a charge of murder for the tragic shooting.
Meanwhile, Mulele Darrel Nyambe, a second soldier to be arrested for allegedly shooting and killing a civilian during a similar operation, is expected to appear again in court on 22 September.

Nyambe allegedly shot and killed Benisius Kalola (32) while on duty. Kalola was allegedly shot while members of the operation were on search of narcotics where a substantial amount of cannabis was recovered, and three suspects were arrested.
Kalola died on 5 September 2019.