
Kamanjab police station falling apart

Home National Kamanjab police station falling apart

Clemans Miyanicwe

Due to what some law enforcement officers believe could be shoddy work by the contractor that got the tender to renovate the government building, the police station at the north-western village at Kamanjab is falling apart, endangering law enforcement officials.

The two washbasins in the police station’s kitchen catering for its inmates have been blocked for two years and 20-litre containers are put under them to drain dirty dishwater.

“The police holding cells and the police station were renovated a few years ago and look at it now. It is falling apart as it seems the renovations were done poorly,” fumed a source.
One of the showers in the holding cells has also been blocked for months and some of the taps in the kitchen have been leaking for almost two years.

“Every morning the poor lady who cooks has to clean up water on the floor which comes from leaking taps and leaking pipes,” said the source who spoke on condition of anonymity as she is not allowed to talk to the media.
The kitchen for inmates has also been without gas since the beginning of the year and inmates’ food is prepared outside. One of the inmates at the holding cells makes a fire before 07h00 every day and puts on hot water for tea for inmates, according to the source.

“The female cook does not go anywhere near the open fire because it is too hot and this task is left to one of the inmates to prepare the food for other inmates,” added the source.
The Kamanjab police holding cells have about 14 prisoners at the moment and some of the holding cell toilets and taps are not functioning.

Kamanjab station commander Inspector Raymond de Klerk dismissed claims that the building is falling apart and that the taps are leaking despite our source insisting the place is falling apart. “Everything is fine. Who gave you the information?” he wanted to know.

Last June, police officers at Kamanjab had to use the bushes to relieve themselves and use their mobile phones as torches after water and electricity were cut off over non-payments of bills.
De Klerk had to bring the water for inmates from his house, according to media reports.
Government inaugurated the police station, revamped at a cost of N$20 million, in June 2013.