
Kapia’s Fate Still in Balance

Home Archived Kapia’s Fate Still in Balance

By Kuvee Kangueehi Windhoek The fate of the suspended Secretary of the Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) Paulus Kapia, as well as that of its central committee member Ralph Blaauw, now rests in the hands of the politburo of the party after the investigating committee tabled a report at a recent SPYL Central Committee meeting. New Era has learned that the SPYL Central Committee and National Executive Committee (NEC) both adopted the report and the Acting Secretary of the SPYL Evelyn !Nawases-Taeyele is expected to forward recommendations in the report to the secretary general of the party to be discussed at the next politburo meeting. Kapia and Blaauw were suspended on September 05 last year following their implication in the N$30-million Avid deal that went awry and which has so far resulted in several people being suspended from their jobs, while its alleged mastermind Lazarus Kandara committed suicide while under police guard. A member of the SPYL Central Committee told New Era that despite the report being adopted at the last meeting, a number of delegates were not happy with the findings and staged a walkout. The member said the chairperson of the investigating committee Pohamba Shifeta read the findings of the report to the 5th Central Committee meeting before it was adopted. The member added that the report also revealed that other SPYL top leaders, apart from Kapia and Blaauw, were involved the Avid saga and that is why some members staged a walkout. Contacted for comment, Pohamba confirmed that the report was adopted but noted that he did not witness the walkout because he left soon after tabling the report, as he had other commitments. Pohamba could also not reveal the content of the report because it is the property of Swapo Party. He however noted that the report’s findings are clear and that there is nothing ambiguous. He added that the final decision now rests with the politburo as the investigative committee did not pass judgment. “Our duty was just to establish whether any members of the SPYL contravened the Swapo Party constitution or code of conduct in relation to their involvement with the Avid deal.” The investigating committee, which consisted of Pohamba, Lucia Iipumbu, Ambrosius Kandjii, Emma Molelekeng and Solomon Ilovu was expected to determine what procedures, if any, were followed in linking the SPYL to Avid. They were also mandated to determine whether the names of SPYL and the Swapo Party president were used in exerting pressure on the Social Security Commission (SSC) to approve the N$30-million investment with Avid Investment Corporation. The committee was also mandated to find the identity of James Link in relation to the SPYL. Contacted for comment, both !Nawases-Taeyele and Secretary for Information, Publicity and Mobilisation Elia Ngurare of the SPYL refused to comment on the issue. Ngurare said the SPYL first needs to brief the president, vice-president, secretary general and his deputy before they can make any public announcement on it. The SPYL will hold a press conference soon, he promised.