
Kapofi warns corrupt officials ‘selling country’

Home Front Page News Kapofi warns corrupt officials ‘selling country’

Home affairs minister Frans Kapofi has warned officials in his ministry to refrain from “selling their country to foreign nationals”. According to him, some home affairs officials were reportedly working in cahoots with illegal immigrants. 

“We are extending days in the country illegally…we are covering up for illegal immigrants… we are giving documents to people who do not meet requirements.  This is tantamount to selling your country,” Kapofi said yesterday while addressing staff in Windhoek. He said the ministry will not tolerate such corruption, saying this is against reforms home affairs has embarked on to improve service delivery. “How does a foreigner who entered Namibia last week be in possession of a birth certificate today?” he questioned. Kapofi therefore called the ministry’s executive director Etienne Maritz to expedite the disciplinary processes of all staff members involved in “selling our country” for personal gain to be suspended so that the systems are not exposed to criminal conduct. 

“When these shortcuts are made, they are made with the full involvement of our staff members. The year 2019 must be the last year for this kind of stories. We will not only deal with the foreigners who participate in these shameful acts but also with our staff members,” he said. 

He said Maritz should use the Public Service Act, regulations and staff rules as a tool in cleaning up the ministry. 

“The disciplinary action must include the whole chain of all the staff members involved. For example, if an ID or passport is fraudulently obtained, deal with the whole process from the issuing of the birth certificate,” he stressed. 

“Whoever approved or approves an ID or a passport application with a fake document must be held accountable – you know you can’t approve without proper verification.” 
Kapofi also demanded a full report from Maritz with information of all known cases involving home affairs and immigration staff. 

“We need to understand the extent of the damage we are dealing with. When I was appointed as the minister of this ministry, I was told the ministry is a gold mine; how on earth can you sell your own country,” he said. 
Kapofi says President Hage Geingob declared 2020 as the year of introspection and staff must consider the goals they set for themselves last year and what they plan to achieve this year collectively as a ministry and as individuals who aspire to serve the nation in a timely and friendly manner. 

“As we do so, I want to ask you to take a moment to consider how 2019 was and how you can improve in 2020,” said Kapofi. “Introspection is not a negative self-destructive process. Instead, it is an opportunity to look at what has been achieved.” – kjitemisa@nepc.com.na