
Karasburg projects people-centred

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Karasburg projects people-centred

Karasburg East constituency councillor Anseline Beukes says all completed and ongoing capital projects will solely benefit the less fortunate residents in the constituency.

Beukes made this remark during an interview with New Era recently.

“To date, we have completed 60% of a rural sanitation programme, constructing flush toilets with a total cost of N$650 000,” she said.

Budgetary provision was also made to upgrade the 53km medium-voltage powerline between Warmbad and Karasburg to reduce power interruptions during rains and strong winds.

“This project is at 10% completion, costing N$9.6 million,” she added.

Beukes said they also completed 30% of the construction of the Homs River bridge at Warmbad, costing N$18 million, to make the road more accessible since the previous bridge collapsed.

At Grunau, the constituency office has constructed oxidation sewerage ponds and lines to be connected to the nearby oxidation dam to improve the provision of sanitary services to residents in the settlement.

“At Ariamsvlei and Warmbad, waterlines were already constructed as part of servicing erven, budgeted for N$2 million,” she added.

Beukes continued: “Part of the sixth National Development Plan (NDP6) funded by the National Planning Commission’s capital project in our constituency is the construction of the Noordoewer Dam between Namibia and South Africa, but the project is on hold due to the dispute between the two countries over the nearby Orange River national properties”.

Probed on drought relief food distribution in Karasburg East, she said her officials are providing 1 200 beneficiaries in the rural areas with food, while 600 beneficiaries in the peri-urban areas have been registered, for which her office is now waiting for the go-ahead from the central government to include

“Karasburg East was identified as the pilot constituency in the //Kharas region by the poverty eradication ministry to issue food vouchers to more than 500 beneficiaries, but it will extend the programme in the near future,” she informed this publication.

As for challenges experienced, the politician highlighted the unemployed youth and other citizens being exposed to substance abuse and petty crime. 

“We had an average of 2 000 members of the population segments in search of employment and training opportunities,” she said.

Another challenge, is the lack of water infrastructure equipment in the constituency.

“From our side, we have recently commissioned a borehole now supplying 25 households with potable water, but can however extend it once receiving assistance from the rural water supply office in Keetmanshoop since we have the manpower, including a driver on the ground,” she said.

Beukes then called on Karasburg East residents to be patient for the delivery of more basic services, pending the availability of funds from central government.

Meanwhile, Maria Swartbooi (54) from Gabis said she is thankful for the drought relief food (maize meal, soya mince and cooking oil) she received recently from the constituency

“I am now only left with 11 small livestock due to the drought, and this food will really help me and my family as we have no other means of income,” she said. 

She also expressed her appreciation for the toilets that were constructed in her community. 

“Now, we do not need to make use of the makeshift toilets or bushes to relieve ourselves,” Swartbooi said.
