
Karasburg showcases its products at trade fair

Home Karas Karasburg showcases its products at trade fair


The third annual Karasburg Trade Fair that ended here on Saturday has been described by many as a resounding success. The festival drew a large number of locals and people from other towns and managed to attract eight corporate entities and 38 exhibitors – the best so far since the festival’s inception.
Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Immanuel Ngatjizeko is hopeful the festival will help boost local economic development at the town and surrounding areas and in due course contribute to the overall economic success of Namibia at large.
In a speech read on his behalf by deputy permanent secretary Bernadette Artivor on Friday, Ngatjizeko stressed the importance of such events, saying it highlights, promotes, advances, showcases and improves the services and products the town and region have to offer.
He said through such platforms, opportunities are availed to entrepreneurs to meet and exhibit their skills, as well as relate their success stories. This in itself he said has the potential to stimulate and unlock entrepreneurial potential of current and future business people, especially among the youth.
“This is clear indication that where there is a will, commitment and dedication, there is certainly a way,” he said.
One of the festival’s main organisers, Clemensia Cloete, was delighted with the overall turnout of people and described it as a success, as this year more exhibitors from as far as Windhoek set up stalls. She believes it can only get better and bigger year after year.
“Preparations were tough, but we have learned something in the process and hopefully we can do it even better next year,” she noted.
Many of the exhibitors and residents New Era spoke to were satisfied with the attendance, but were somewhat disappointed by the dates of the event, with most saying it would have been even better should it have been scheduled for after the end of month pay-day.
“It’s fine and better than the previous years with new things introduced this year, but I think many don’t have money to come, because they didn’t get paid yet,” one resident observed.
The fair, which started last Thursday and ended on Saturday, was held under the theme, ‘Promoting local economic development and financial stability’.