
Katjimune grills Kandjii- Murangi on Nust

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Katjimune grills Kandjii- Murangi on Nust

Popular Democratic Movement l awma ker Ma x i m a l l i ant Katjimune says higher education minister Itah Kandjii-Murangi must investigate governance issues at the Namibia University of Science and Technology. 

Katjimune made this call during a National Assembly session yesterday. 

According to the youthful politician, Nust is falling apart. 

“It is clear that Nust is on the verge of collapse, and it has become imperative that the minister intervenes… the crisis at Nust, therefore, highlights the fundamental challenge faced by higher education, especially when it concerns the erosion of corporate governance, and the comments by the chairperson of council [Florette Nakusera] must not be taken lightly,” Katjimune said. 

Outgoing Nust counc i l chairperson Nakusera recently registered her disappointment in her council colleagues, whom she accused of leaking confidential information to the media. 

“What is astonishing is that it seems that a council member sent you confidential council discussions. 

That is rather unfortunate and unprofessional, and against good corporate governance. 

She also insisted a lot of untruths were fed to this journalist. 

“I have built my name and reputation – and just because I am steadfast, apply good corporate governance principles, respect the university’s statutes, rules and regulations, as well as not getting involved in the day-to-day running of operations of the university, I became a target. But surely, as always, I’ll be exonerated by the truth,” she said. 

In recent months, Nust has predominantly attracted significant attention for all the wrong reasons. 

It has been plagued by controversies surrounding its governance and purported questionable actions by its top leadership. 

At the heart of the controversies are the corruption, nepotism and abuse of power allegations against the university’s vice chancellor, Erold Naomab. 

In Katjimune’s eyes, Nakusera’s statement cannot be taken lightly. Their term ended last Friday, effectively rendering Nust council-less. He was not done: “When can we expect the minister to appoint new members of council in terms of Section 7 of the Namibia University of Science and Technology Act, seeing that the term of the former council lapsed on Friday (30 June 2023) last week?” 

The Nust council is the institution’s supreme policy-making body. The outgoing council also failed to respond to the Anti-Corruption Commission on allegations of maladministration at the institution. 

As the council’s term was ending last week, Nakusera decided to hand over any outstanding business, including the investigation, to the incoming council. 

“Has it not become prudent that the minister appoints the three members of the panel of enquiry established in terms of the provisions of section 37 of the Higher Education Act to investigate the collapse in corporate governance at Nust pursuant to section 37 (2) (a) of the Act3?” Katjimune put to the minister. 

Kandjii-Murangi is expected to respond next week Thursday. 

The Nakusera-led council’s term was marred by allegations of division and power tussle. It had two exit reports to their appointing authority, Itah Kandjii-Murangi. 

One report was authored by Nakusera, while another was written by her deputy, Michael Humavindu, and five others. 

“Nust has been embroiled in a protracted fight between members of the former council as well as infighting among senior members of its management. 

“Can the honourable minister provide a comprehensive analysis and account to this august House as to what has led to the collapse of leadership and corporate governance at the Namibia University of Science and Technology under her watch as the responsible line minister?” Katjimune wanted to know. 

– emumbuu@nepc.com.na