
Katjiua launches development pillars…opens door to foes and opponents

Home National Katjiua launches development pillars…opens door to foes and opponents
Katjiua launches development pillars…opens door to foes and opponents

Disputed Ovaherero Traditional Authority (OTA) paramount chief and academic Mutjinde Katjiua has unveiled the five strategic development pillars that seek to economically liberate the Ovaherero community around the world. 

Katjiua also impressed on leading with an open-door policy, one that would accommodate even those seen as extreme adversaries by his faction.

On Saturday, Katjiua launched five pillars on which his reign as PC will be anchored. 

The strategic structures are symbolised by the right hand, with each named after a finger. 

He told the audience that under his stewardship, the OTA will do things differently when juxtaposed to the past.

At the heart of Katjiua’s plan and its implementation are the Ovaherero youth and middle-aged group. 

“I will ensure that these segments of our community are actively involved in the operations of OTA, while the elders will remain the foundation of wisdom in guiding the ingenuity and creativity of the youth,” the zoologist said in a statement availed to the media. 

The first thematic pillar is the ‘Thumb: Governance and Institutional Capacity’. 

“This bold finger represents the solid governance and institutional reform, which is my first task to create an organisation built on the principles of constitutional democracy and the rule of law and to build a responsible, transparent and accountable leadership at levels of OTA governance structures,” Katjiua vowed. 

The community, he added, must demand transparency and accountability from leaders at all levels in OTA. 

Under the ‘Index Finger: Wellbeing and Education’ pillar, education is the basic enabler of the socio-economic development of any nation, Katjiua says. 

“We will promote and encourage increased enrolment and preference for science, technology, engineering, mathematics and vocational training programmes, while at the same time we will endeavour to empower our communities with skills in the areas that promote and enhance their livelihoods,” he said. 

Then there is the ‘Middle Finger: Resilient Livelihoods and Economic Advancement’. 

Through the middle finger pillar, the OTA will facilitate skills training and capacity development in livestock production and marketing, meat value addition, and diversification into horticulture and poultry enterprises. 

“The Ovaherero are probably Africa’s foremost astute cattle producers. Our cattle production contributes about 5% to the GDP of Namibia. It is, therefore, important for us to empower our communities so that we can enhance and maximise the full benefit of our people from this very important industry,” the academic advanced. 

Under his watch, the OTA will facilitate, build and strengthen the economic advancement of “our communities in key sectors of the national economy across their respective countries of residence”.

The ring finger symbolises ‘Genocide and Restorative Justice’.

“Our demands for reparation of the Ovaherero and Nama people, following the genocides committed by Germany on our ancestors, is a human right – we are not begging the German government for it,” Katjiua stressed. 

He continued: “Germany and the Namibian government must recognise and respect our rights as victims of crimes against humanity. We remain committed to working together with our government and negotiating with the German government on the issue of genocide, apology and reparation to our communities”. 

The communities are spread across Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Angola, the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and elsewhere.

“We shall continue to foster and build global alliances with well-meaning individuals and organisations to mount greater pressure on Germany and the Namibian government until justice is served,” he continued. 

There is the ‘Little Finger: Stakeholder Relations and Community Engagement’.

It represents OTA’s immense capacity and readiness to make peace and reconcile with foes or those “we have differed in the past”. 

“We will seek to do that because the future of our nation is bigger than any battle, war or differences we may have had along the trajectory to future generations.”



While Katjiua was handed instruments of power at a glamorous ceremony to kickstart his reign as new PC, replacing the late Vekuii Rukoro, his meteoric rise to power has been shrouded in controversy. 

Certain quarters of the Ovaherero community do not recognise Katjiua as their supreme leader. 

Instead, it is held that Ovitoto chief Vipuira Kapuua remains the acting PC until such a time a new chief is elected. 

Last month, Kapuuo promised to convene a meeting on 9 August 2022, where a new paramount chief would be elected. 

So far, nothing has happened. 

Efforts to get hold of Kapuuo have yielded no results. 



Back in 2015, President Hage Geingob revealed the Harambee Prosperity Plan, a targeted action plan to accelerate growth, development and prosperity in Namibia. 

It also has five pillars. 

Geingob’s five core pillars include effective governance, economic advancement, social progression, infrastructure development as well as international relations and cooperation.

It remains unclear if Katjiua drew inspiration from the head of state.