
Katuka empowers young Namibian women

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Katuka empowers young Namibian women

The Katuka Mentorship Programme participants Naemi Ekandjo and Josephina Kanyeumbo testified that the programme has created a platform for personal growth, advancement and self-esteem. A registered nurse, Ekandjo, said she has grown into an individual with more confidence. 

“I used to be fearful. The programme has allowed me to face my fears. I can now express myself more and confront my fears,” she said. 

Kanyeumbo, a senior economist from the finance ministry, shared that being a participant made her a better person by making her focus on achieving her goals in a structured way. Kanyeumbo said she has gained industry knowledge because of exposure to reputable economists and industry practises. 

“The programme allowed me to represent Namibia on the Financial Inclusion Sub-committee in the Southern African Development Committee (SADC). I achieved this because of the programme’s exposure, which allowed me to step out of my comfort zone,” she said. 

Bank Windhoek’s Head of Strategic Communication, Hayley Allen, said the bank has been a proud sponsor and partner of the Katuka Mentorship Programme since 2020. She told the participants that embarking on a journey like the Katuka Mentorship Programme improves, elevates, and enriches lives. “This journey allows people access to information and expertise and, particularly, allows ordinary, aspiring women access to what other ordinary women with experience have encountered on their paths to business success,” said Allen. 

The objectives of this year’s Katuka Mentorship Programme were to increase participation and increase exposure and influence. Aligned with these objectives, 21 mentors and 24 mentees received certificates last week. Allen congratulated the Katuka Mentorship Programme for work done in equipping and empowering women.

Ekandjo and Kanyeumbo encouraged other women to join the programme. “Bank Windhoek supports the Namibian women through this programme. It is empowering, and we are learning from each other and building long-lasting relationships,” said Kanyeumbo. 

The Katuka Mentorship Programme aims to empower and encourage entrepreneurs, business and professional
women to achieve their goals by matching a mentee and mentor
with a similar professional and personal interest. The programme’s core objective is to create a platform for personal growth and advancement of leadership skills for participants to enhance their individual and institutional success. To date, 485 entrepreneurs and businesswomen have completed the programme.